
              M U S I C   B R O K E   M Y   B O N E S           

I am now writing for Music Broke My Bones, feel free to check out the website @ www.musicbrokemybones.co.uk

Here are my two single reviews available on the site.
Be sure to visit for new music, features, interviews, and downloads.

Release Date – 22nd October 2012

Label – Domino
Rating – 5/10

Villagers have returned after their debut album Becoming a Jackal reached the hearts of folk/alternative lovers a-like. However, new track ‘The Waves’ seems to be a new sound in comparison to the humble, warming sound of the first album. The track itself starts as if Villagers have taken a dose of electronica. Its always an enjoyable risk to hear bands push their boundaries, and try to create a new sound, but in terms of Villagers perhaps they should have stuck with what they know. The song itself I think fails to cover-up a rebranding of their sound, it’s as much a new sound, but not necessarily as strong as their previous record.

Release Date – 26th November 2012

Label – Believe Recordings
Rating – 6/10

Oxford five-piece Wild Swim have released their debut track ‘Echo’. A truly distinctive sound that is created by the sheer voice prowess of frontman Richard Sansom. Sansom’s haunting high-octave voice progressively immerses you in the track. Often compared to the likes of Wild Beasts, Wild Swim have created a track that is unflustered, creative and progressive. The track is laced with intricate drum patterns, seductive keyboard and the vocal mastery of Sansom’s. A band that are worth a listen, yet perhaps not something to scream and shout about. The band have released a self-produced b-sides with their second track ‘Bright Eyes’.


                                                         L I V E                                                      

Hackney four-piece 'Splashh' were welcomed to Cardiff's Buffalo bar yesterday as part of Cardiff's own Swn Festival. A festival that offers a true reflection of contemporary, contrasting and creative music. Crammed into the top bar of Buffalo 'Splashh' put on an engaging and clear performance. A bands sound labelled as grunge, it often means that bands go overboard with distortion leaving the audience over-powered with mess. Amidst a few vocal changes after the first track 'Splashh' then delivered a polished, powerful yet short set. Singles 'All I Wanna Do' 'Need It' & 'Vacation' stand out to a captivated crowd that relish the chance to see a band hoping to verge on greatness. 


 L A U N C H 

This week saw the release of online publication 'Pebblezine'. The publication covers all aspects of culture from music to fashion & film to food. Available at www.pebblezine.com , keep your eyes peeled for my review of Grizzly Bear, and double page spread of 'Greenman Festival 2012'. Be sure to check out this issue, the facebook page and follow the magazine via twitter.

Screenshot of Pebblezine.